2015 Employment Posters Guide

Employers are required by State, Federal and now local laws to post various employment posters. You can purchase the required posters from commercial services (and they do charge you for it) or you can use the posters we assembled for you for FREE as our gift to you.
In 2015, there is one new local poster and three updated posters for the New Year. Later this year, the city of Eugene will follow with a poster it will demand of employers with employees working in Eugene. You can find instructions on which posters you must display in your workplace below.
You should be aware that one poster required by Oregon's 2009 Gag Rule is not included in the commercial packages. In fact, the state of Oregon has not even published a poster five years after the law went into effect. A poster, however, is still required. We, stepped in where Oregon failed and created a poster you can use to comply with Oregon's law.
You should also be aware that BOLI, on its website, warns employers away from using commercial poster packages. You can find all of the posters you are required to display here, at no cost. If you are displaying commercial posters, use this guide and the posters at the links below to verify that the commercial posters are correct.
The notices you are required to post depend on the number of people you employ. As your number of employees increase, additional posters are required.
If you are a Federal contractor or an agricultural employer, you are subject to additional requirements.
All employers that do business with the federal government as either a contractor or a subcontractor (federal contractor) must display one or two additional posters. These federal contractor posters are listed at the end of this report.
The Oregon poster for agricultural employees first required in 2010 is also listed at the end of this report.
Download, print and post the posters that apply to your business. Post in a conspicuous and accessible place where all employees have access. You may want to refer to your place for notices in your employee handbook.
It is easy to violate state and federal employment poster requirements. Use the list below and the posters we assembled to make sure that you are in compliance.
1 or More Employees
Federal Minimum Wage Poster
All employers must display the Federal Minimum Wage poster. Even though the current Oregon minimum wage of $9.25 is higher than the Federal minimum wage of $7.25, you still must display this Federal Minimum Wage poster.
Current poster date - July 24, 2009.
Federal Polygraph Protection Act Notice Poster
The Federal Polygraph Protection Act Notice poster is required even though it is an unlawful employment practice in Oregon to require an employee to submit to a polygraph exam.
Current poster date - January 2012.
Federal USERRA Poster
The Federal USERRA poster describes the rights of employees that serve or have served in the military. A different version of this poster is required for public employers. There is no Spanish version of this poster.
Current poster date - July 2008.
NLRB Union Rights Poster - Not Required
The National Labor Relations Board adopted a rule in 2011 requiring employers to notify employees that they can organize a union in their workplace. The rule originally required employers to post the notice by November 9, 2011. But two federal courts ruled that the NLRB exceeded its authority and the rule was invalid. On January 6, 2014, the NLRB conceded defeat and decided not to appeal these rulings. See New NLRB Poster Rule LegalBrief article.
Current poster date - September 2011.
Oregon Minimum Wage Poster - Updated
The Oregon Minimum Wage poster was updated for 2015. The Oregon minimum wage increased to $9.25 per hour on January 1, 2015. Since the Oregon minimum wage is higher than the Federal minimum wage, you must pay the Oregon minimum wage. The Oregon minimum wage is adjusted for inflation automatically each year. Failure to display Oregon’s minimum wage poster could cost up to $1,000.
Current poster date - January 1, 2015.
Spanish Version - Updated
Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Poster
The Oregon Occupational Safety and Health poster. This poster is also known as the Oregon It's The Law poster.
Current poster date - March 2013.
Oregon DVHSAS Poster
Are you confused by this acronym? So are the rest of us. BOLI (another acronym - Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries) wants you to know that DVHSAS stands for Domestic Violence, Harassment, Sexual Assault or Stalking. BOLI also requires all Oregon employers to post this notice.
Current poster date - January 2014.
Oregon No Smoking Sign
The Oregon No Smoking Sign is required for employers open to the public. Since a universal symbol is used, no separate Spanish sign is required.
Current poster date - January 1, 2009.
Oregon Smokefree Workplace Flier - Not Required
The Oregon Smokefree Workplace flier. The state "suggests" that you display this flier.
Current poster date - Undated.
Oregon Gag Rule Poster
This poster is required by Oregon's "gag rule." Although this information is required to be posted, BOLI has refused for five years now to publish a poster that meets the statute's requirement. So we created one for you. WARNING - Most (if not all) commercial poster packages fail to include this poster.
Current poster date - 2010.
Oregon Workers' Compensation Notice of Compliance
Not available for download. Issued by the Oregon Workers' Compensation Division after it receives the "Guaranty Contract" from your workers' compensation insurer. If you did not receive the notice or require a duplicate notice, you can contact the Oregon Workers' Compensation Division, Department of Consumer Business Services, 350 Winter Street N.E., Room 21, Salem, OR 97310. The telephone number is 503-947-7815.
Oregon Employment Insurance Notice
Also not available for download. It is sent automatically by the Oregon Employment Department after an account is set up or reopened. You can order a duplicate notice by contacting the Employment Department, Unemployment Insurance Tax Unit, 875 Union Street N.E., Salem, OR 97311. Their forms hotline number is 503-947-1488, option 3.
City of Portland Protected Sick Time Poster - New
The City of Portland has ordered employers of employees working in the City of Portland to display this poster "in each establishment where your employees work." Portland also requires individual written notices to employees. According to Portland, "[p]roviding each employee with a copy of this poster will satisfy this requirement."
Current poster date - Undated
Spanish Version
Russian Version
Vietnamese Version
15 or More Employees
Employers with 15 or more employees must display the posters listed above and the additional Federal poster set out below.
Equal Employment Opportunity is the Law Poster
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission requires this poster. This poster is also known as the Federal It's The Law poster.
Current poster date - November 2009.
25 or More Employees
Employers with 25 or more employees must display the posters listed above and the additional Oregon and Federal posters set out below.
Oregon Family Leave Act Poster - Updated
The Oregon Family Leave Act poster has been updated once again in 2015. Originally adopted in March 2010, it has been revised several times. Make sure you have the required current version. Employers with 25 or more employees must display this poster.
Current poster date - January 2015.
Spanish Version - Updated
Federal Employee Rights Poster
This poster covers special minimum wages for workers with disabilities. It must be displayed by employers with 25 or more employees.
Current poster date - July 2009.
50 or More Employees
Employers with 50 or more employees must display the posters listed above and the additional Federal posters set out below.
Federal Family and Medical Leave Poster
The Federal Family and Medical Leave poster. Employers with 50 or more workers during 20 weeks of the year must display this poster.
Current poster date - February 2013.
Federal Contractors
Businesses that contract with the federal government are subject to additional employment regulations and posting requirements.
Federal Contractors Poster
Every contractor or subcontractor engaged in a contract with the United States or the District of Columbia in excess of $2,500, must display this poster.
Current poster date - April 2009.
Federal Construction Contractors Poster
Any contractor or subcontractor engaged in contracts in excess of $2,000 for construction, alteration/repair of a public building or public work or building or work financed in whole or in part from federal funds, federal guarantee or federal pledge which is subject to the labor standards provisions of any of the acts listed in 29 CFR 5.1 must display this poster.
Current poster date - April 2009.
Agricultural Employers
Oregon requires that all agricultural employers in Oregon display an additional poster.
Agricultural Minimum Wage - Updated
The Oregon Agricultural Minimum Wage Poster has been updated for 2015. All agricultural employers in Oregon are required to display this poster. Display both the English and Spanish versions.
Current poster date - January 1, 2015.
Spanish Version - Updated
This report provided as an educational service by Oregon attorney Alan Thayer. He welcomes your questions and comments.
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