Latest State Guidances

Photo by everett mcintire on Unsplash
Phase 1 of the Governor’s plan to reopen Oregon comes with all kinds of strings attached. Ignore these directives at your own peril. We gathered the latest Oregon guidances here for your convenience.
Oregon Health Authority | COVID-19 Page
Click on OHA Guidance and Rules 5/7/2020
General Guidance for Employers
Guidance for Outdoor Recreation Organizations
Guidance for Personal Services Providers
Guidance for Restaurants, Bars, Breweries, Brewpubs, Wineries, Tasting Rooms and Distilleries
Oregon Employment Department
Oregon OSHA
Oregon Bureau of Labor and Industries (BOLI)
LegalBriefs are published as an educational service for business people by Oregon business attorney Alan Thayer. He welcomes your questions and comments.
This article and all LegalBriefs articles are offered for general information and educational purposes only. They are not offered as legal advice and do not constitute legal advice or opinion. We do not promise or guarantee that the information is correct, complete or up-to-date. You should not act or rely upon the information in this or any other LegalBriefs article without seeking the advice of an attorney.
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